
Success Story

Beckhoff implements open automation systems based on PC Control technology. The product range covers Industrial PCs, I/O and Fieldbus Components, Drive Technology and automation software.

Interviewed in 2019

Beckhoff's Marketing Communications Manager, Shane Novacek, uses PMMI Media Group's audience to reach a targeted, specific audience.

"I see PMMI Media Group as a leader, especially for digital marketing and digital advertising. [PMMI Media Group] has an excellent track record for delivering well researched, well engineered marketing channels and new options for advertisers to get in front of stakeholders, different audiences and buyers in really meaningful ways, to drive awareness and help move people through a funnel – from just hearing about your company to being a happy customer and everything in between.

[PMMI Media Group] has great architecture set up to help guide people through that kind of journey for companies like mine. I feel like, as an advertiser, I'm in good hands. Whether it's a new form of advertising like Sponsored Posts and going beyond re-targeted ads, it's really part of a long term story [of innovation]."

Shane Novacek

Shane Novacek

's Challenge

"The packaging industry is a challenging one to crack and it's something that has long entrenched suppliers who've been here sometimes 100 years or more. But it's definitely a dynamic industry and … where you've got the trade shows and you've got the print and digital media to work with – it all just ties together really nicely."

Shane Novacek

's success

"We are typically experiencing double digit revenue growth every year and earning market share in all kinds of different markets, packaging and otherwise."

How Beckhoff built their marketing success


"The Machine Automation newsletter reaches the segment of the PMMI Media Group audience that is interested in the types of technologies that we're offering. The newsletters themselves are very flexible – where you can plug in pretty quickly any new content, whether you've got new video or white papers or new featured products … without a huge investment in terms of time or effort. It's always a reliable volume lead gen. You typically don't see a ton of competitor clicks; the majority are manufacturers and machine builders or system integrator types."


“Especially from the thought leadership angle, it's something we'd like to keep in our bag of tricks and we definitely like how PMMI Media Group, and Automation World in particular, produce these and David Greenfield's always great as a moderator, so it's just something that works and the quality's high."

OEM Magazine

"Packaging has always been a key target industry for us and we appreciate the intense focus on machine builders and system integrators. The highest percentage of our customer base is OEM machine builders in all kinds of industries…"

Facebook Sponsored Posts

"It's just smarter advertising. You're more likely reach the right people who are receptive to your message. [Sponsored Posts] help us make sure that we're sending to an audience that could actually act on our message and that's just the way marketing and advertising is going – more customized, more frequent messages to smaller groups of people who you know more about … and PMMI Media Group helps us do that.

With the link we used and measured through the weeks that we had the visitors, it was definitely working, and we got a significant bump in our traffic on that URL."