
3 Tools for Improving Your Digital Storefront

Are you creating the right experience for online buyers? Check out these three tools to improve your digital storefront.
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June 1, 2020
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When is the last time you looked at how shoppable your website is—not just that it is easy to contact sales, but that you are creating the sort of experience a buyer wants?

With pipeline increasingly online, it’s imperative to ensure your digital storefront is up for the challenge. Consider these three tools for improving buying experience.

 3 Digital Storefront Helpers 

Easy form builders. Sure, you probably already use forms on your site—but are they capturing what you really want to know in the least painful way? Free tools such as Cognitoforms or Typeform have built-in logic platforms, so you can control what fields people see and when. Such capabilities make it easy to ask branched questions based on response, so you can declutter your forms without giving up data capture. (For tips on what to put forms around—and what not to—read “Could Your Approach to Gating Be Killing Pipeline?”)

Robust 4K video. There’s only so much a product spec sheet or brochure can say—video truly is the best way to share the experience of your product with site visitors.

Chances are you’ve got standard product demo videos already. But do they really convey everything that the full buying team will want to see?

Your video library should not only showcase features but also include content to educate visitors about what day-to-day use of your product will be like. If you’re selling machinery, do you demonstrate maintenance steps? Have you walked through and explained safety features and design? Do you have case studies pertaining to use in those industries you most commonly sell to, so prospects can envision how similar challenges at their facility can be solved?

These video fundamentals don’t have to be costly to develop and can give a major edge when prospects are assessing your solution against those of competitors. With PMMI Media Group’sVideo Content Marketing tool, you’re able to work with our director to shoot 4K, professional-quality video right from your phone, tablet or computer. (That’s right—no big video team needing to be onsite, and no big cost!) Videos are sold in packs of three or with various distribution options. Visit, select your desired brand, and search “Video Content Marketing” for full details.

Customized ad creative to pair exactly to your site. Many companies will spend considerable effort ensuring their websites are comprehensive and easy to navigate only to lose visitors immediately at the front door.

How so?

Many marketers don’t pay enough attention to pipeline experience: All too often, prospects click on an ad only to be taken to some landing page that seemingly has very little to do with the ad. This ad and site incongruence is a surefire way to get page abandonment.

To improve the pipeline experience even when your access to graphic designers is limited, consider using no- or low-cost ad-building tools such as Canva or Visme to customize your ads to pair exactly with your site’s language, fonts, color choice and other visuals. And be sure not to take visitors to a crowded home page. The less friction between your ad and the landing page in terms of content promised, the greater the likelihood your site visitors will stay.

Want to Know More About Which Companies Are Visiting Your Site?

A lot of pipeline comes in from your website. So how can you track that activity? Does that mean you have to put forms around everything?

Not at all!

Simply add PMMI MediaGroup’s free Scout beacon to your website, and we can tell you not only which companies come to your website through your emails with PMMI Media Group, but what pages they visit and how often. It’s like hitting a record button every time they visit you.
Even better: This information can feed into Converge, PMMI Media Group’s free cloud-based tool that allows you to analyze pipeline from your lead-generating activities with PMMI Media Group or even your own lead uploads and then track which companies are showing most frequent interest in you.
With Converge, find out just who has engaged with any of your marketing activities three or more times over the past 12 months. You can then see at a company level who has engaged with you the most, and when multiple people are coming from the same company location.
Identifying which buying teams are most likely to be active has never been this easy.
And unlike marketing automation solutions, there’s nothing for you to buy or specially configure for your team. You’re able to access all of this information right from your own account with PMMI Media Group.
For more information on Converge and Scout, visit, select your desired brand and search “Converge and Scout.” Or, if you prefer, schedule a one-on-one tour with a PMMI Media Group rep at











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