Videos & Guides

Footer Requirements for Supplied E-Blast Templates

Author —
Sarah Loeffler
December 20, 2023
This article is hosted on our partner's website

Footer Requirements for Supplied E-Blast TemplatesFooter Requirements for Supplied E-Blast Templates

File must include PMMI Media Group’s address, disclaimer, unsubscribe/opt-out and privacy policy links as shown below. Formatting of the PMG footer can be adapted to match the advertiser HTML but must include all required elements, text must be at least font size 9, text must be easy to read in light and dark modes.Advertisers must remove their own footer information. The advertiser’s company-specific privacy policy and opt-out links MUST be removed from the footer and cannot be included in any supplied HTML email sent by PMG.  This is due to the fact that the mailing is distributed to a PMG audience list and therefore must include PMG privacy policy and opt-outs. PMMI Media Group cannot be flexible on requests to modify email footers and privacy policies.For Mundo PMMI supplied HTML, please use our Spanish language version.

PMG footer address and copy:

This email was sent by:PMMI Media Group401 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1700Chicago, IL 60611United States of America

This email was sent by PMMI Media Group. PMMI Media Group is a division of PMMI, owner and producer of the PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows. By engaging with PMMI, you have provided your consent for PMMI to process and store your personal information for purposes of communicating with you. All questions regarding data privacy policies, practices, or portability, as well as requests to revoke consent can be addressed to All content in this email is sponsored. PMMI Media Group may share your contact information with sponsors as detailed in our privacy policy, but we will NEVER share your contact information with a sponsor whose content you have not viewed. PMMI may also make use of your data for other communication purposes, such as to inform you of important industry developments, programs, or publications.Trouble viewing this email? Click here.Unsubscribe

Privacy Policy URL to embed in above disclaimer text: Link for = href=mailto:dataprivacy@pmmi.orgUnsubscribe: Footer must include the word “Unsubscribe” linked to this Opt-Out Variable: href=“@{confirmunsubscribelink}@”View in Browser: Footer must include text allowing the reader to view the message online/in a browser. Text must be linked to this variable: href="@{mv_online_version}@" Examples of acceptable supplied HTML footers  

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