Videos & Guides

Top Do's and Don'ts for Your Video Strategy

How good (or bad) is your video content? Read here for the fundamentals needed to get the most out of your efforts.
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April 7, 2020
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When your prospects can’t directly witness your product in action, video is the next best thing. Yet too few marketers have a library of high-quality product videos to support desired pipeline and nurture strategy with potential prospects.

Ideally, your base video library for bringing in new prospects should include:

  • Brief demonstrations of product capabilities and applications
  • “How to” evergreen content that trains prospects on ways to operate, maintain or otherwise employ your product to help them best assess ease of use
  • “Q&As” or other educational content with subject matter experts to position your organization’s expertise in managing current trends and aid high-funnel prospects researching your product class

Over time, your team will likely want to supplement this base library with customer testimonials and case studies given the high importance peer validation plays in B2B buying. Notably, among end users researching equipment, case studies are the most preferred content type behind product spec sheets and product demo videos. (Source: Machinery End User Buying Insights, ).

Top Video Strategy Dos and Don’ts

All approaches to video are not created equal. To get the biggest return on your investment, consider these key dos and don’ts.

DO care about video quality. Prioritize video quality above all else. Grainy, streamed video reflects poorly on your brand, no matter how strong the content may be. Instead, aim for high-definition quality, with a minimum of 720p and ideally 4K resolution. (See sidebar at article end.)

DO version for different channels. Filming and editing takes time and resources. To be most efficient, have a plan for creating different “cuts” for different channel output. Depending on its content, a video sent in an email or hosted on your website may hold the viewer’s attention for a minute or two. Paid social channels and pre-roll are suited for faster content consumption and therefore are far more constricting in their time standards. For these channels, you’ll want to develop something much shorter—up to 15 seconds—for best engagement.

DON’T heavily script your output. While you should always put planning into key points you want to discuss, don’t bury yourself in heavy scripting. With product demos, take a few moments to think through the basic set-up of your video. What machine, material or service are you hoping to focus on? What pain points does your product address, and which key features will be of most interest to prospects? Put together a short bullet list of 2-3 talking points in advance and practice­­—but don’t create a formal script for yourself. It may sound counterintuitive, but the best output tends to happen when simply having a natural discussion.

DO have a plan for “B-Roll” footage. Planning to intersperse close-up shots of different angles of equipment, or cut away from your presenter to show a busy plant floor? Then you need what videography professionals call B-roll footage.
B-roll is essentially any footage that isn’t of your primary subject. If you’re filming an explainer video showcasing your product, B-roll footage might include different angles of your product, or an external shot of your offices, for example. Whatever footage you need, figure it out during the pre-production phase to maximize efficiency of your filming time and avoid situations in which you later need footage you don’t have.

DON’T skimp on distribution planning. An all-too-common mistake is putting so much effort into creating a high-value content piece that you fail to give just as much attention to its distribution. Instead, think of your video assets like a car and your distribution activities are its wheels. Your message won’t go anywhere unless you’re also building in a plan for email, web ads, social, pre-roll, directory listings, YouTube and/or communications with relevant press.

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PMMI Media Group uses patented technology to record high definition (4K) professional-quality video right from your phone, tablet or computer. Bring your next product demos, expert interviews and plant tours to life without crushing your budget. Each video package includes:
For full details, visit, click the desired brand, and search for “Video Content Marketing Campaigns.”

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