Target a pre-selected query of PMMI contacts on their personal LinkedIn feed and drive traffic to your intended website.
Materials are due 14 days prior to the campaign start date.
Provide a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 full sets of creative.
Additional creative allows your ad to be served more frequently.
Image files:
Preheader (introductory text):
*Character count requirements are strict so we can accommodate all LinkedIn placements, whether it’s in the main feed on desktop or in a mobile banner.
Target URL: One URL beginning with http:// or https://
Call To Action (CTA) options:
Additional best practices:
Target a pre-selected query of PMMI contacts on their personal Facebook feed and drives traffic to your intended website.
Materials are due 14 days prior to the campaign start date.
Provide a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 full sets of creative.
Additional creative allows your ad to be served more frequently.
Image files:
Preheader (primary text):
*Character count requirements ensure compatibility with all Facebook placements, including main feed on desktop or mobile banners.
Target URL: Facebook does not allow YouTube links
Target a pre-selected query of PMMI contacts on their personal LinkedIn feed and drive traffic to your intended website.
Materials are due 14 days prior to the campaign start date.
Provide a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 full sets of creative.
Additional creative allows your ad to be served more frequently.
Custom Thumbnail recommended
Preheader (introductory text):
*Character count requirements are strict so we can accommodate all LinkedIn placements, whether it’s in the mainfeed on desktop or in a mobile banner.
Target URL: One URL beginning with http:// or https://
Call To Action (CTA) options:
Target a pre-selected query of PMMI contacts on their personal LinkedIn feed and drive traffic to your intended website.
Materials are due 14 days prior to the campaign start date.
Provide a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 full sets of creative.
Additional creative allows for your ad to be served more frequently.
Preheader (primary text):
*Character count requirements ensure compatibility with all Facebook placements, includingmain feed on desktop or mobile banners.
Target URL: Facebook does not allow YouTube links